Tuku Tono Mōhiohio Ōkawa Make an Official Information request

Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. Under this Act you can request information from us.

Before you make a request check if the information is already public. The following documents are already available on this site.

There is a handy guide to making Official Information Act requests produced by the Ombudsman. Read it here.

Send us your request

If the information you seek is not found through a search or in any of the documents above, please send your Official Information Act request:

  • By email to: oia@retirement.govt.nz
  • By post to: The OIA officer, Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission, PO Box 106-056, Auckland City 1143


How will we deal with your request? 

We will acknowledge your request as soon as possible and respond no later than 20 working days after we receive it. We will let you know if we need an extension if you have requested a large volume of information or we are having to consult with other parties.

The Act allows us to withhold information for specific reasons. If we do this we will explain why. You can find out more about witholding information in sections 6,9 and 18 of the Act.

If you are unhappy with our response, contact us in the first instance. You have a right to seek a review of the response by the Ombudsman.

Responses to OIA requests

Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission proactively releases information in accordance with the Government’s commitment to the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan. This includes publishing responses to requests for information under the OIA.

Te Ara Ahunga Ora's responses to OIA requests are published below around one working week after the requestor has received their response. Our reply letter to the requestor explains what information, if any, has been withheld under the OIA and under which grounds.

Information that is confidential or personal is usually withheld under the OIA. Even if such information is released to a requestor it will not be included on this page, as it concerns the rights and interests of third parties.

The requestor's name and address will be removed where the requestor is a natural person.

We will keep responses on this page for 12 months after release and then remove them.