Sorted i te Mahi Sorted at Work

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Financial wellbeing for your workplace with Sorted at Work

Financial wellbeing for your workplace with Sorted at Work

What is a Sorted at Work workplace?

A Sorted at Work workplace is an organisation that partners with Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission to implement a variety of financial capability and wellbeing initiatives.

What is the Sorted at Work programme?

The Sorted at Work Programme includes a suite of courses and seminars that you can select from and have delivered in your workplace by one of our Te Ara Ahunga Ora affiliated facilitators located nationwide. You can opt to run any number of these offerings to suit the needs of your workforce, knowing that:

  • the design and delivery of the programme is quality assured
  • our offerings are updated and enhanced with supporting materials to ensure they remain current, accurate, neutral and impartial
  • the supporting Sorted calculators, plans, tools and resources are continuously improved to support your employees to take charge of their financial futures
  • participants will experience ‘aha’ moments that lead to real change in their lives, for a healthier and wealthier economic future.

What is financial capability?

Financial capability is about giving people choices. It’s having the skills, knowledge, confidence and motivation to make informed financial decisions. It supports individual wellbeing, while contributing to the efficiency and prosperity of the national economy.

Why does financial capability matter in the workplace?

Personal financial wellbeing and organisational performance are connected.

  • 42% of employees worry about their finances
  • 3 hours a week is lost by employees worrying about their finances
  • 52% of employees want financial education at work
  • 37% of employees say that their health has been impacted by their financial worries
Source: CFFC, Workplace Financial Capability Survey 2019 - a survey of 2,500 employed New Zealanders


Can we help?

Sorted at Work


P/ 021 565 321