Get involved in Money Month this August and Pause. Get sorted!

Money Month is a public awareness and engagement campaign coordinated by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission, in partnership with the financial capability community. 

As a workplace, you can get involved in Money Month by supporting your employees to grow their money and build their resilience, lifting their financial wellbeing and confidence. 

August is Sorted Money Month

Some ideas to help you bring Money Month to life in your workplace or organisation: 

  • Host a Money Month event, such as a workshop, webinar or lunchtime session. Download the partner toolkit for an overview resources and promotional materials.
  • Open up money conversations by sharing stories and experiences of how you and your colleagues have maximised your money and achieved your financial goals. You can also invite guest speakers or experts to inspire and motivate your employees.
  • Download our free resources, including helpful tips and Money Month posters.
  • Get your team together to attend one of our free Money Month webinars. Registrations will open in July.
  • Book a workshop to lift your employees’ financial wellbeing. Sorted at Work offers a range of in-person sessions and webinars to organisations to help improve the financial capability of staff.
  • Encourage your staff to take the Sorted Money Personality Quiz, a quick quiz to help make sense of their money behaviours and get personalised advice.


Hear how Kiwibank brought Money Month to life for their staff


More ways you can keep the Money Month spirit alive all year round: 

  • Continue encouraging money conversations throughout the year. We often think of money as a taboo subject, but this means sometimes people are left to suffer in silence. Make sure staff know that talking about money isn’t shameful. 
  • Consider increasing your employer KiwiSaver contribution. Just a 1% difference could make your employees tens of thousands of dollars better off at retirement. 
  • Publish your gender and ethnic pay gaps. According to Stats NZ, the gender pay gap was 9% in 2021, and even larger for Māori and Pacific women. Ensuring all employees are paid fairly can help lift staff retention and morale, as well as improving financial wellbeing. Visit to view their registry and learn why more businesses are publishing their pay gaps – over 100 NZ companies have already committed! 
  • Review your benefits package to make sure it aligns with your employees’ priorities. 

What makes the Money Month kaupapa so important? 

Did you know that research has found saving and spending behaviours are shown to be the biggest contributors to financial wellbeing, even more so than income? 

We also know that money worries can play a big part in the productivity and wellbeing of people at work, with 42% of employees worrying about their finances and three hours a week being lost by employees worrying about their finances. 

By participating in Sorted Money Month, people can learn new skills, access useful resources, and increase their confidence around money 

Sorted Money Month is a great opportunity for people to take charge of their money and make it work for them.   

More information:

If you have any questions on how to get involved feel free to reach out to We will be happy to help in any way.