Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson has received the Government response to the 2019 Review of Retirement Income Policies.
The Review was undertaken by the CFFC last year and released publicly in January. It contained 19 recommendations in areas including housing, work, KiwiSaver and enhancing New Zealanders’ financial capability.
“I appreciate the Government considering the Review during a tumultuous time, and look forward to continuing to work on the recommendations through a lens of how they could benefit New Zealanders following the effects of COVID-19,” said Wrightson.
“The world has changed since we wrote the Review, but, if anything, many of the issues we highlighted have become even more important.
“Retirement policy needs balanced and careful debate and we look forward to working with Government to contribute to that. In the meantime, the CFFC is progressing some matters it is able to do alone, such as adding to its policy capability and looking to clearly define the purpose of New Zealand’s retirement income system to improve public discussion.”