Facilitators Directory

Diana  Walklate

Diana Walklate

Diana enjoys running all sessions and helping people build a better understanding of how to get their money working better for them.  
Gillian Christie

Gillian Christie

Gillian facilitates webinars, seminars, six-weekly programmes, and full day courses – from a quick overview of a topic to a deeper dig.
Hazel Balderston

Hazel Balderston

Hazel is based in Auckland and has been delivering courses in workplaces for twelve years.
Heather Allott

Heather Allott

Heather has been facilitating workplace courses for Te Ara Ahunga Ora for eight years, with experience ranging from long face-to-face courses to one-hour webinars.
Jeanette Hall

Jeanette Hall

Jeanette facilitates workshops online anywhere in New Zealand, or face-to-face in the Wairarapa region. The courses are fun and informative lessons to get your staff ahead financially.
Kara Northcott

Kara Northcott

Kara is a seasoned independent financial consultant with three decades of expertise in banking, finance, and investing.
Lara Meyer

Lara Meyer

Lara has over 30 years’ experience teaching all sorts of people all sorts of interesting things.

She particularly enjoys helping people develop financial literacy skills and is equally confident working with people online or in person.
Mary Lewis

Mary Lewis

ry is a financial planner and adviser, as well as a chartered accountant of many years.
Mylrea Bell

Mylrea Bell

Available to facilitate all of the Sorted and Te Ara Ahunga Ora programmes.
Richard Holden

Richard Holden

Richard has over 40 years of experience as a financial adviser and holds the Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Life Underwriter designations. Retirement and investment planning sessions are his specialist areas.
Sarah Delany

Sarah Delany

Sarah is an investment adviser and educator. She provides practical advice and solutions, in plain English, to help you in your journey to take the next step with your financial life.
Scott Stokes

Scott Stokes

Passionate about raising financial capability through engaging conversations, Scott has been a Sorted workplace facilitator since 2016 working with NZ Police, NZ Defence Force and NZ Rugby among others.
Sylvia Bowden

Sylvia Bowden

Empowering lives with financial knowledge for 20+ years.
Unicia Veer

Unicia Veer

Unicia is a dedicated and experienced facilitator, having been with Te Ara Ahunga Ora since 2014.

With a background as a chartered accountant and a wealth of experience as an ex-auditor and ex-financial mentor, she now works as an associate financial adviser.