Donna Robinson

Donna Robinson, Waikato-Tainui, Raukawa, Ngapuhi, is the Māori Lead, responsible for implementing the strategic direction of Māori development initiatives, giving impact to improved outcomes for Māori, and delivery of Te whai hua – kia ora – Sorted in Schools a financial capability programme designed by Māori for kura reo Māori.

“I love working at Te Ara Ahunga Ora because the work we do has a real impact in our comunities, and we see the impact of what we’re doing to help build financial confidence. “We get to see people making really good choices about their financial futures when they have easily accessible tools and information in front of them.”

Donna previously worked as a financial literacy practitioner and helped people set financial goals and plan for their future. This means Donna understands how important it is to have quality financial programmes that resonate with their audiences and meet their needs. “Everyone has different needs, and I couldn’t think of a better place to work particularly when the kaupapa aligns so well with my own.”

One of the projects that Donna is especially proud of is her involvement with the Sorted Kāinga Ora home ownership programme which was developed jointly with Te Puni Kōkiri. “We have seen numerous whānau Māori achieve home ownership where they previously held the belief they would never be able to.

“The power of changing people’s options by building their financial confidence is immense and long lasting.”